Episode 1

Get Off the Treadmill and Be the Beloved


October 1st, 2021

24 mins 10 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Does your life ever feel like it's a treadmill that never turns off? Often, we say yes to things and fill our schedules because we feel like we need to prove our value. But then we find ourselves overwhelmed and burnt out. In the first episode of this 4-part series, Rachel Balducci talks about the moment she realized she needed to learn how to set boundaries, say no, and take back control of her calendar. Rachel emphasizes the importance of seeing ourselves through God’s eyes and knowing we are His beloved so that we can live our best lives.

Throughout the series Rachel will take you through concepts outlined in her book Overcommitted: Cut Chaos and Find Balance. Learn more about the book here: https://bookstore.wau.org/Overcommitted-Cut-Chaos-and-Find-Balance-P403.aspx